Saturday, October 17, 2009

Three different cultures sitting under the trees

We went to St. Mulumba school today, a school for children who have an impairment such as blindness, Down Syndrome, and deafness. All the students, teachers, and some people from the community (including us Americans) were seated under three large shady trees to watch a Japanese group dance and show us a little bit of their culture. There wasn't a lot of karate chopping or anything, but there was a lot of full body moves (jumping in the air, thrusting their hands to the skies, bending low to the ground and then coming back up in about a millisecond). It wasn't just the Japanese culture dance that we got to see. We also got to witness some 'social dancing', and a group of girls that danced very fast, fast enough and energized enough that people were going up to the girls and throwing Kwatcha on the ground. They were all very talented.

It was also really neat to see how one of the people did sign language for the hearing impaired (the girl dancers were hearing impaired), and also to listen to the sound of a group of blind children. Their voices were amazing and excellent at harmonizing. The program consisted of a drummer drumming, Japanese dance, Zambian 'social dance' and 'girl-coming-out dance', singing, playing with Japanese children's toys, eating strawberry/vanilla ice cream, seeing what your name was in Japanese, a fashion show (the Zambians dressed up in Japanese clothes and the Japanese dressed up in Zambian clothes), and then learning how to do the Japanese dance they did at the beginning.

As far as my health is concerned, I am pretty much back to normal except for little spells of being really tired. But, the doctor told me at my checkup yesterday that it would take me about a full week to recover. So, I am drinking about 4-5 liters of water, and eating normally. Dinner time!

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