Saturday, December 26, 2009


I got back at home on November 24th, about a month ago. It is nice to be back in the U.S., to be back to the familiar and being able to be in my own culture. I had about three days of school after Thanksgiving break, and then was free to stay the rest of the week at college getting to see people before I had to leave to go home to Montana on the 7th of Dec. So, I have been hanging out with friends and family for the entire month that I have been back. It was also really nice to be home for a week and a half before getting back here to Indiana for Family Christmases.

In summary of my trip, I have been introduced to another way of thinking than my own - I have been shown a different culture where things are done differently than in my own, and have been exposed to many diseases that I would not commonly seen in the U.S. It was an eye-opening experience for me and the memories of my experience I know I will use in years to come. Also, I saw getting sick as a sort of window to peer into what those around me were suffering with and fighting (even though mine wasn't as severe as the majority of those sick in bed). I don't know if I would go back to Zambia particularly if I had the chance to go overseas again, but I do plan on going somewhere. Zambia has opened the desire for me to see more of the world and experience other different or similar cultures that exist on God's Earth. Although I am not feeling the desire to do any sort of long term mission trips, I am interested in the shorter term, such as the one I came back from.

As I finish up my last semester of college as a nursing student, I am excited to see where God will lead me as I let him direct my every step and seek Him in every aspect of my life.

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